SWEDEN>>>> what a random vacation! - i'm home!!! i mean i'm in Dublin.back to reality after 9 days in Sweden. what a wonderful,random,berani-mati- vacation. it was a random plan. very very ran... 6 days ago. Make or Break ? How To Be The Best Virtual Assistant - Virtual .... I have become Six Flower Mom (months ago) and I am finally just heading to my new blog ... so please take the time to change your link to... 1 year ago. landscape and garden design by adzar ahmad ...
As I was trolling around, Adzar suggested I go looking at the local Hot Topic and I must admit that I was shocked he suggested it, intrigued by the idea and embarrassed that I was intrigued by the idea. Really, what says my personality ...
kata salah seorang teman..sehabis makan istirahat sejenak..setelah sholat adzar..kami pergi ke kute..dimana kami akan menyaksikan tenggelamnya matahari ke dalam air( di kampungku juga ada..makanya ag biasa2 saja)..di pantai kute banyak ...